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The Get Started Challenge
Let's get Started!
Welcome! (8:00)
Resources and FIles
Additional materials that explore concepts
The nine shifts to a low carb way of eating
Day 0: Get your "scores on the doors" (3:07)
Day 1 - Shift 1: Make a three day qualitative food and mood diary (8:27)
Day 3: What have you learned about yourself - Let's forgive that! (10:43)
Day 4 - Shift 2: Avoid obvious "excess sugar" foods (Also "what are the three tenets?") (7:50)
Day 11 - Shift 3: Focus on food quality and "eating naturally" and begin to use the OSN Scale and Shift 4: Avoid wheat and wheat containing products & do not replace avoided wheat with other starchy carbohydrates or "gluten free" product (19:52)
Day 18 - Shift 5: Increase quantity of water consumed, balance electrolytes and avoid drinking your sugar (8:49)
Day 19: What have you learned about yourself - Let's forgive that!
Day 25 - Shifts 6 & 7: Ensure Fat & Protein, Avoid Processed Carbs (9:07)
Day 32 - Shifts 8 & 9: Moderate Alcohol & Avoid Natural Carbs (24:34)
Day 39: Congratulations! You are now living a low carb life! (3:13)
The ten keys to unlock your mind
Day 5 - Key 1: Resistance vs. what we want (6:41)
Day 8 - Key 2: Start to free your “self” from your “mind” (13:23)
Day 12 - Key 3: Start to declutter society messaging around sugar and fat (9:07)
Day 15 - Key 4: Practise radical self-love (12:30)
Day 19 - Key 5: Willpower – never there when you need it… (8:32)
Day 20: A word on Boundaries (9:22)
Day 22 - Key 6: Linguistics - how our use of language holds us back (9:40)
Day 26 - Key 7: Parts theory - behaviours and habits (20:43)
Day 29 - Key 8: Change from a “stuck structure” that will never work to get results (7:50)
Day 33 - Key 9: Moving from limiting to empowering assumptions - stories and self-talk (12:28)
Day 36 - Key 10: Developing the deeper conversation between your mind and your body through love (15:51)
The three secrets that guarantee your long-term success
Day 40 - Secret 1: Keep on keeping on (5:41)
Day 42 - Secret 2: Go clear the junk... (5:51)
Day 44 - Secret 3 - Listen to your body, it knows what it wants. (10:06)
Day 45 and beyond!
Day 45 - "Scores on the doors" and forgiveness
Day 50 - The training wheels are well and truly off! (6:28)
Day 66: Final measure, forgiveness and closure meditation (49:34)
Day 67 – Now what? What’s next? (4:59)
Day 45 - "Scores on the doors" and forgiveness
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